Posted by graha | Posted in east java , indonesian temple | Posted on 01.23

Badhut temple discovered by archaeologists in 1923. The temple is also called the Temple Liswa is located approximately 5 km from the city of Malang, precisely in the Village Karangbesuki, Dau district, Malang regency, East Java. Temple Badhut allegedly been built long before the reign of Airlangga, namely the commencement of construction of other temples in East Java, and believed to be the oldest temple in East Java.
Some experts argue that the ancient temple built on the orders of King Badhut Gajayana from Kanjuruhan Kingdom. In the inscription Dinoyo (Çaka 682 or 760 M), which is found in the village of Merjosari, Malang, explained that the center is in the area of the Kingdom Kanjuruhan Dinoyo.

Dinoyo own inscription currently stored at the National Museum Jakarta. Posts in the inscription also tells about the reign of King Dewasimba and his son, Sang Liswa, which is the golden era of the Kingdom Kanjuruhan. Both kings are very fair and wise and loved by his subjects. It is said the King Gajayana Liswa whose surname is very pleased to be funny (Javanese: mbadhut) so that the temple was built at his command called the Temple Badhut. Although there are such allegations, so far has not found evidence of strong linkages with the King Gajayana Badhut Temple.
In addition alleged age was much older, based on association with the Royal Kanjuruhan, there is another characteristic that distinguishes Temple Badhut from other temples in East Java, the sculptures that decorate kalamakara doorstep. In general, there is a giant head reliefs in the temples of East Java is made complete with the lower jaw, but embedded in the Temple kalamakara Badhut made without the lower jaw, similar to those found at temples in central Java. Badhut the fat body is also more similar to other temples in Central Java. This temple also has some similarities with Candi Dieng (Central Java) in the case of a symmetrical shape and relief. Badhut Candi Shiva temple believed to be, though, has not been found Agastya statue in it.
Buildings made of andesite stone was standing on top shelf height of about 2 m. Batur is very simple, unadorned relief, forming approximately 1 m wide corridor around the temple body. On the right side front of the shelf there are sculptures made of Java (hanacaraka) that are not clearly the time of manufacture.
At the foot of the stairs to the hall of the temple is located on the west side, right in front of the entrance to the main room in the body of the temple. On the outer walls are carved the ladder clamp is no longer intact, but it still looks the existence of spiral-spiral pattern which surrounds the figure of people who are blowing the flute. The entrance to the garba grha (space in the body of the temple) chamber equipped with a viewer along approximately 1.5 m. The entrance is wide enough to garnish kalamakara above the threshold.
In the body of the temple there is room area of approximately 5.53 x 3.67 meter2. In the middle of the room there phallus and yoni, which is a symbol for fertility. On the walls around the room there are small niches that seem initially contains a statuette.
Temple walls are decorated with reliefs of bird-headed man and piper. On the fourth side of the body of the temple there are also niches decorated with flowers and bird-headed manusia.Di outside the northern side of the body wall of the temple there are statues of Durga Mahesasuramardini looking is damaged.
On the south side there should be statues of Shiva Guru and on the east side there should be statues of Ganesh. Both are no longer in place.
This temple was renovated in the year 1925 - 1926, but many parts that have been lost or can not be restored to its appearance. The roof of the main building, for example, is currently not in place. Only a seam along the top edge of the wall remains.
In the western part of the court, namely the left and right sides of the front page of the temple that has been restored, there are the foundations of other buildings that still has not been refurbished. Still many rock piles around the courtyard of the temple has not been possible in the back into place.
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