Regions Trowulan Mojokerto East Java does have its own potential. Not only is the potential in the fields of tourism, Trowulan also has potential in the field of handicraft. One of these statues handicraft makers. Statues handicrafts artisans Trowulan sounded so foreign.
That afternoon in one of Jl Raya Trowulan crafts gallery, a man was seen being serious attention to a statue of an ape that was covering his eyes with both hands. The statue seems only half finished.
"The statue was to be finished tonight. Because tomorrow should have been sent to France, "explains Deni Indianto, a crafter.

By holding the tool with no hammer, he looked carefully sculpt made monkey faces. Making sculpture is necessary accuracy. Because, one-time mistake, the result could be fatal.
In the gallery were many types of stone and black stone large sandstone rock which she used as raw materials to make sculptures. "The stones of this great I have to come from Malang. I originally bought in Ngoro, Mojokerto regency, but because it was not selling the place again, my message to Malang, "he explained, holding the chisel to shape the face of the statue.

While making sculptures keranya, he tells the history of the commencement of business. According to men aged 27, before starting a business independently, ida-makers work to the maker of the statue for two years.
"It was the age I was only 21, I worked at one of the crafters of the statue. Well, that is where I learned to make a sculpture, "he explained.
Feeling quite have the "science" chiseling, he ventured to make an independent business with the capital that he gained from working in other people.
However, after its run a year, he had the misfortune. Which he built his business was bankrupt. "After that I realized that my work may not be good enough," he said.
Feels his work is less satisfactory, he then returned to "learn" by working to the maker of the other statue. After one year of work, he re-emerged to start efforts to establish handicraft sculpture gallery.
Within a month, he can send a homemade statue from Bali to a businessman as much as a truck. With that kind of delivery, any material that he acquired quite a lot. "Within a month, I can get a net gain of about USD 5 million," he explained.
Each sculpture is made, he set the price range between USD 100 thousand to $ 500 thousand. Apparently, the statue was not only marketed his work in Bali. One of the French employers specifically ordered a statue of him.
The business of making home Trowulan statue was already known in various cities. It is also not free from Mojopahit royal heritage. That said, Trowulan Kingdom central government Mojopahit, the atmosphere of deeply felt moment Mojopahit set foot in Trowulan.
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