Posted by graha | Posted in beach , coast , Indonesian sea , ocean resources , sea charms | Posted on 05.51

Tanjung Tinggi Coast is a beach in the wedge by two peninsulas. Tanjung Tinggi Coast , which is approximately 2 km from the coast of Tanjung Kelayang, is a beach that can give birth to a "mystery". Visitors region as though it were filled with fantasy. The beach is shaped inlet approximately 100 m long, clean white sand with scattered granite boulders which are arranged beautifully. At the end of the east, there are piles of rocks that one loophole form a "tunnel" that can be passed. The air in the rock hall is very cool, air-conditioned room felt. Across the coast was also established "The Villa Lor in the Tanjung Tinggi" with complete facilities, which is the embryo of the largest resorts in the islands of Bangka Belitung.

Also called the Port of Tanjung Tinggi stall. Formerly this place was the fishing port for the nearest village or Tanjung Tinggi Keciput. There are at least twenty simple seafood restaurants along the beach. This is a place for you to take a break, have coffee or lunch. The main menu is seafood. Just do not expect you get the same class of service in the mall restaurants. They are just ordinary people from the village who opened a simple restaurant. Do not worry, the people there are always friendly to all the guests, just like most people of Indonesia.
Natural panorama which is owned beaches of Tanjung Tinggi Coast is so charming and exotic. How not, as far as the eye off the look, just a beauty, and beauty. Not to mention the added to the blend of fine white sand glistening in the sunshine mounting rack and granite boulders that stood stout and stately, make the Tanjung Tinggi Coast has its own character in the face of the beauty of beaches in Indonesia. In addition to having beautiful natural panorama, tourist area of Tanjung Tinggi Coast also make it unusual in the area as fishing, sport diving, jet skiing and playing other marine sports. For people who have a hobby of fishing in coastal areas also has a perfect ocean resources, ranging from various types of fish both for local consumption and consumption abroad.

And for those who like diving, underwater scenery such as coral reefs are in the possession very beautiful. Coral reefs in this never touched the hands of ignorant so that its beauty remains eternal. Even the beauty of coral reefs can be viewed in plain view while we're on the ship and for those who have a hobby of playing a jet ski. Using a jet ski or motor boat, it only takes a short time we can stop in the islands and places of other attractions such as beaches of Tanjung Kelayang, Bird Island and Island lighthouse Lengkuas with sights of Dutch colonial heritage.

Tanjung Tinggi tourism area does have a beautiful natural panorama and a perfect sea of wealth, not in doubt, if used as one pontensi tourist area to attract tourists from abroad. Moreover, if such maximum tilled the beaches in Bali. If we ever watch the film Laskar Pelangi, or never saw a video clip Nidji, a top Indonesian band, we will remember when curls with his friends ran-larian granite boulders in the area after school and stood in rows on top of a giant granite boulder. That is the tourist area of Tanjung Tinggi Coast , which in each year in a degree of ritual "Buang Jong", salvation ritual sea by fishermen who used to be in the title in the month of September is one of the customary events Belitong usually accompanied by typical art performances of other Pacific Islands.
To reach the tourist area of Tanjung Tinggi Coast , there are two paths that can travel from the City Tanjung pandan, first passed by Sijuk Road trips through the Village Water District Tanjung pandan Merbau, and several villages in the district namely Sijuk Seruk Village Water, Village Water Selumar, Village Sijuk, and Village Keciput. Both through the village of Water Saga, District Tanjungpandan, and also several villages which are included within the Village District of Batu Itam Sijuk, Eggplant Village, Tanjung Village and Countryside Keciput Binga. Two-way tourist area in the Tanjung Tinggi can travel within 20-30 minutes by car because of its distance from the City Tanjungpandan only 31 Km.
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