Posted by graha | Posted in Indonesian sea , ocean resources , sea charms | Posted on 05.19

Tanjung Karang beach is 34 km northeast of Palu, Central Sulawesi (Sulawesi). Many who can enjoy the beauty of the coast is Cape Coral. One is white sand and coral reefs are very intriguing. Our eyes immediately fell on the white sand beaches that decorate the lips. From the street on the hill Donggala apparent hamparannya, also a collection of merchant ships and fishing boats in the port of Donggala. Beautiful and unusual! That's the right phrase to describe it. Approximately 20 years ago, Cape Coral Beach is only known as a temporary resting place of the tired fishermen after fishing. At that time, there is no entrance to the Beach of Cape Coral, whereas the white sandy beach was really beautiful. Coconut plantation owned by the community also thrives in the vicinity of this beach. But now, Tanjung Karang beach had become a favorite tourist attraction for residents of Palu and surrounding areas. In the holiday season, this beach is crowded with local tourists, and even foreign tourists.
This beach is famous as a paradise of divers and snorkeling lovers. The trip to the Beach of Cape Coral does not seem boring because a lot of beautiful scenery along the road. On the shore of Cape Coral we can find a beach with a natural atmosphere. Without a row of shops and shopping centers. Cape Coral could be the choice for you who want to enjoy a vacation in the wild. Arrive at Tanjung Karang beach, feet straight up the white expanse of white sand. While staring eyes crystal clear blue ocean water was infected with sky reflection. Cape Coral beach has a unique landscape. On the one hand, there is a sloping beach with white sand with shallow water. On the other hand, there are high cliffs with the ocean deep enough. These sections became a magnet for divers and snorkeling lovers. They need not bother to dive to the bottom and swim up into the sea. Just walked three meters from the beach, snorkeling lovers can see the various collections of coral reefs that are still natural.

Tanjung Karang beach has a unique landscape. On the one hand, there is a sloping beach with white sand with shallow water. On the other hand, there are high cliffs with the ocean deep enough. These sections became a magnet for divers and snorkeling lovers. They need not bother to dive to the bottom and swim up into the sea. Just walked three meters from the beach, snorkeling lovers can see the various collections of coral reefs that are still natural. Despite the potential for such a large store, attention and concern of the government has not seen a tourist attraction, visitor facilities, structuring, and management is still very minimal, therefore, Andi Anwar, one environmental activist in Donggala expect the government to give more attention large rock promontory on the development potential.

Tanjung Karang beach is one of the greatness of God who is very beautiful. Its beauty is also not inferior to Kuta beach, because the Cape Coral can also attract tourists from various countries. For those of you who enjoy a vacation to the beach or snorkeling, Cape Make up the place.
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