Posted by graha | Posted in history , indonesian temple | Posted on 04.18

The monument is very impressive and comes from Syailendra Dynasty is not a temple, but a mound of dirt in the pile of stones. It is a stone portrait of Mahayana Buddhist cosmic system.
Based on the writings contained in the "foot" was closed to the Borobudur temple in the form of letters from the ancient Javanese Pallawa letter.
Can be expected in the establishment of the temple, namely in the years before 850 AD, the island of Java at the time ruled by kings Sailendra family between the years 832-900.
So old already more than 1100 years and about 300 years older than Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia.
Borobudur temple is the other side consists of 2 million, boulders of rock and 60,000 cubic meters, partly a wall relief in the form which tells the Mahayana teachings. The size of the sides 123 meters in height including the top of the stupa that no longer exists because it was struck by lightning 42 m. That there are now 34.5 m high living
. This temple consists of two million, boulders of rock and 60,000 cubic meters, in part a form of wall reliefs which tells the Mahayana teachings. The size of the sides 123 meters in height including the top of the stupa that no longer exists because it was struck by lightning 42 m. That there are now 34.5 m. high living
The discovery of Borobudur
It never crossed by the Dutch government that once the Archipelago will be ruled by England. Governor-General who take care of the colonies in the East, Lord Minto should delegate this power in the archipelago to the Lieutenant Governor General Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. Raffles have a great attention to the eastern culture, so that when in the year 1814 received a report about the discovery of the ruins of the temple is expected, immediately sent officers to engineers HC Cornelius to Earth Segoro. That initial discovery of the buried Borobudur either since when and why. Mystery that until now has not been revealed.
Unfortunately, in 1815 the British had to leave and return the land to the Dutch colony. For the Netherlands, the legacy of history is also not less interesting. In 1834 Hartman Resident Kedu named a new two-year cleanup effort Borobudur positions. Stupa which was top of the temple known to have dropped from 20 years previously handled Cornelius ..
During the period of 20 years that there is no region that is responsible for invention. In 1842 Hartman doing research on stem stupa. In the culture of Buddhism, the stupa was founded to save the relics of Buddha or Buddha relics students who achieve sanctity. In religious language, called saririka dhatu relics, taken from the remaining physical form completed crystal cremation. If it has not reached the sanctity, the remaining material is not crystalline and is not taken. If a crystal is retrieved and placed in a stupa.
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